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The purpose of this blog is help people improve their Mind, Body, Soul (relationships) and their Money.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Book Review: Spark & Hustle - By Tory Johnson

I really enjoyed this book.
Tory Johnson, a name I was unfamiliar with until I came across her book in the library is apparently a phenomenal businesswoman.
She has done PR for both ABC and NBC news and puts on different workshops and conferences across the country catered toward women. Had I known this book was intended for women I would've likely put it down. But, after reading the first few pages - packed with insight and inspiration I figured I had a duty to finish it.

This book is definitely meant for the person looking to start their own business as a bootstrapper. She gives quite a few tips on how to start a new business without going too deeply into debt and then peppers every other page with advice and insight from other entrepreneurs in other fields.

I can't really think of anything the author "needs to work on" in order to make this a better book. I thoroughly enjoyed it and may have to put it on my oft-read book shelf.

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